Our products

Our perfusion machines provide safe and secured environment where a physiologic solution is pumped through the explanted organ to minimize tissue damage. Perfusion parameters are controlled and recorded, offering clinicians’ additional data to evaluate the organ.


PERF-GEN™ is a clear, sterile, non-pyrogenic and non-toxic solution for the in-vitro flushing and temporary continuous perfusion preservation of explanted kidneys. The solution has an osmolality of 300 mOsm/kg, a total concentration in Sodium of 100 mmol/L, a total Potassium concentration of 25 mmol/L and a pH of 7.4 at room temperature.

Each bag of 1 liter of solution contains :

  • Calcium Chloride Dihydrate : 0,068 g/l
  • Sodium gluconate : 17,45g/L
  • Adenine : 0,68 g/L
  • Potassium dihydrogen phosphate : 3,4 g/L
  • Pentafraction (HES) : 50 g/L
  • Magnesium gluconate : 1,13 g/L
  • HEPES : 2,38 g/L
  • Beta D (+) Glucose : 1,80 g/L
  • Glutathione : 0,92 g/L
  • D (-) Ribose : 0,75 g/L
  • Mannitol : 5,4 g/L
  • Sodium hydroxide : qs pH 7.4
  • Water for injection : qs 1 liter


PERF-GEN™ is marketed in 1-L bags


Class III Medical device in Europe
Class II Medical device in US




The cooled PERF-GEN™ solution, is used to perfuse isolated kidneys after removal from the donor. The solution fills the vascular compartment of the kidney during hypothermic preservation.
PERF-GEN™ is intended for use with a continuous perfusion machine able to maintain the temperature within the indicated range.
Administration of PERF-GEN™ at the recommended temperatures cools the organ and lowers its metabolism.

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Machine perfusion of either one or two kidneys.
Available for the US market.


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